Body Wraps
Body Wraps for a stunning you!
Environmental toxins are a reality of modern life. Your body absorbs toxins from pollution all around us, as well as artificial ingredients in foods and beverages we consume so very often. Body wraps have been around for many years, the concept behind body wraps being simple, to help your body rid itself of toxins that build up within. We at RASI get you wrapped up in a warm blanket for a cocoon feeling along with the wrap, which helps detoxify and heal your body, remove excess fat and fluid from tissues, toning and nourishing your skin.

Chocolate Wrap
Emerge cleansed, revived and rejuvenated with this exotic body envelopment. This delicious body wrap is based on Cocoa-Choco mousse which is rich in minerals and anti-oxidant molecules that results in glowing skin. Chocolate wrap restores vitality of the skin whilst giving it softness and suppleness.
Green Tea Wrap
A pure, non-fermented tea is used to rectify degenerative processes in the skin. It protects basic DNA from oxidative stress and selectively inhibits skin bacteria. Known for its antioxidant properties, green tea provides the body with powerful detoxifying effects & the skin is left nourished and hydrated.

Sensuous Moor Wrap
The Glorious Moor Wrap dates back to ancient civilization and is legendary for its powerful therapeutic properties. Moor Wrap is generously applied to your entire body, to improve circulation, strengthen immunity and to soothe and rejuvenate tired, aching muscles. It refines the skin surface, lifts the epidermis & stimulates the metabolism of the skin’s cells.
Clay Therapy
This body-tightening wrap uses volcanic clay to firm loose skin cells, treat rough elbows and knee, soothe painful itchy skin, and improve the spongy appearance of cellulite. In the end your skin will be cleansed, calmed, healed, moisturized and thoroughly refreshed.

Marine Mud Wrap
Get wrapped in Marine Mud to benefit your body with its excellent detoxifying property that extract impurities out of your body and feeds it with essential mineral for a healthy and Balanced Skin.
Seasonal Wrap
The Seasonal Peel – Off body envelopment with an anti-aging effect, gives the skin soft, smooth and firm consistency, relaxes the muscles and retains moisture. Our seasonal body wrap with particular thermal comfort & discrete sweetness along with tangy freshness will allow you to forget the daily humdrum.