Signature Treatments
Each astrological Sun Sign has a signature personality and rules!
Have you ever thought of the fact that beauty may not just be about our DNA alone ? Have you ever come across anyone who has ever used this one liner on you: so what’s your Sun Sign?
Well science tells us that our outward appearance is the result of our DNA. Our DNA may be influenced astrologically, however uncanny it may seem. Each Sun Sign has a list of physical attributes too. People buy gemstones, vehicles, houses, etc based on their Sun Signs, then why should beauty treatments be any different??? It is this very thought with which “RASI” was born, to give you a customised treatment, using products and methods corresponding to your Sun Sign and the ailments generally associated with it. This is a first of its kind venture in India. So, let your Sun Sign help you decide which stress-relieving treatment will bring out the star in you everyday.
Based on your Sun Sign our signature treatments have been customized and designed considering natural strength & blind spots of your RASI, and hence may differ from RASI to RASI. The oils used in each of the body massages have been specially designed to suit your individual RASI.

Rasi Aquarius
The ”Water Bearers” are humanitarian by nature and often neglect their own well-being. To calm the active mind…experience the journey of Rasi Aquarius.

Rasi Pisces
Rasi brings the rejuvenation journey for the dreamy time that Pisceans wait for, amplifying their sense of personal power & self-esteem.

Rasi Aries
To take the Arians in a spa-world of their own RASI, for complete relaxation experience the Rasi Aries signature journey.

Rasi Taurus
The ”Bull” is known to be solid, practical, determined and stubborn. But how can this Taurean be pampered…find out with the Rasi Taurus Signature journey.

Rasi Gemini
Pampering of the Gemini starts …here at Rasi…for constant mental stimulation & variety, experience your Rasi spa journey.

Rasi Cancer
These conservative home-bodies love a spa treatment that makes them feel at home. Make Rasi your 2nd home and enjoy the Rasi Cancer Signature journey.

Rasi Leo
Leos ride on their will-power & strength, but sometimes the underlying emotions make them feel out of balance.Try bringing that balance back with your own sunsign journey at Rasi, The Zodiac Spa & Salon.

Rasi Virgo
The strength of the Virgin symbol is…and what will relax a Virgo in the spa…experience this rejuvenation journey at Rasi.

Rasi Libra
To soothe those aching muscles, this Air sign is shown the path to a relaxing Libra signature journey…one of a kind for your Rasi.

Rasi Scorpio
This powerful Sun Sign often needs to calm down in the calm environment of mesmerizing music..Experience this exotic spa journey that takes this Rasi in spa heaven.

Rasi Sagittarius
The Archer is one of the most optimistic Zodiac Signs of all. Sagittarians have a positive outlook to life & are full of energy & adventure…Enjoy the adventurous spa journey with your Rasi Spa journey.

Rasi Capricorn
Which parts of the body bears the brunt of the hard work of this Rasi…Come relax at Rasi with your signature treatment.